Project Details

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Project Description

Provide lab services at site to analyze chemicals’ performance periodically. This may greatly help in cost and time saving in troubleshooting and quality check on site.

The Design

We create a lab in a 20ft container which is fully equipped with all lab equipment, safety equipment, first aid kit, gas rack and connector to support gas chromatography equipment.

With a mobile laboratory it safe a lot of space and also it can be mobilized easily.


  1. Equipped with lab equipment.
  2. Equipped with first aid kit, portable eye wash and fire extinguisher.
  3. Lifting eye for easy mobilization.
  4. Gas rack & connector.

The Final Output

Cost & time efficiency is our priority.

  • Client able to do QA & QC instantly.
  • Does not need a big space.
  • Client able to troubleshoot their production instantly.
  • Highest Standards in Safety Control